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martedì 12 ottobre 2010

Why IDECO Hungary cooperates with TECNORULLI

TECNORULLI in 35 de ani de activitate in domeniul rolelor si constructiilor mecanice pentru transportatori, a castigat experiente si competente care o situeaza intr-o pozitie privilegiata in cadrul acestui sector de activitate.

TECNORULLI are sediul, birourile si sectiile de productie in localitatea S. Giovanni Lupatoto (Centura Industriala din Verona, Italia).

Organigrama este constituita din 40 persoane distribuite in Productie (25), Biroul Tehnic (4), Biroul Expeditii (2), Biroul Adminstrativ (4) , Biroul Comercial (4) si Receptie.

Thirty-five years experience in rollers and machinery for conveyors has given TECNORULLI a decided edge in its sector of industry.

's main offices and factory are located in the industrial area of San Giovanni Lupatoto near Verona, Italy.

It has a staff of 40 people, 25 of which are in Production, 4 in the Technical Dept., 2 in Forwarding, 4 in Administration, 4 in Sales and one in Reception.

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